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COMMON NAME: ► Coral Fountain Plant SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Russelia Equisetiformis GROWER HINTS: ►A Jamaican beauty. Russelia can be used as a very large basket or a tall bush. Great for seaside plantings, behind a wall or coming down a slope. Gets big, arching 3 to 5 ft...
COMMON NAME: ► Silver Leaf Princess Flower SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Tibouchina heteromalla GROWER HINTS: ►This is a gloriously beautiful plant. It has a more common sister plant that also has lovely purple flowers. That sister is called Urvilleana. Tibouchinas like an acid...
COMMON NAME: ► Poinsettia SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Euphorbia pulcherrima GROWER HINTS: ►With proper care, today’s modern poinsettias will stay in bloom for months. Watering...The most important part—see below. Finding The Right Spot...the next most important part—see below...
COMMON NAME: ► Perennial lobelia SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Lobelia richardii GROWER HINTS: ►This is a perennial lobelia that does not set seeds. For you this means a longer better blooming season. GROWTH HABITS: ►Eventually you may find that your flowers have all turned...
Peppers Solanum
COMMON NAME: ► Jerusalem Cherry SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Solanum pseudocapsicum GROWER HINTS: ►This unusual plant is often confused with ornamental Peppers. These are not edible, in fact they might make you sick...so don't try it. The real name for this plant is Solanum...
COMMON NAME: ► Ginni SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Peperomia Ginni GROWER HINTS: ►Meet the easiest house plant around. Ginni sits happily in a window or any bright sunny or partly sunny indoor spot. You can use her in succulent combos or other combos that do not need much...