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COMMON NAME: ► Cyclamen SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Cyclamen GROWER HINTS: ► Please note: These instructions are for our mild Californian temperate weather. It won't work in other areas so don't try it if you live where it freezes. Ask any group of people how many of them have...
Coral Fountain Plant
COMMON NAME: ► Coral Fountain Plant SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Russelia Equisetiformis GROWERS HINTS: ► A Jamaican beauty. Russelia can be used as a very large basket or a tall bush. Great for seaside plantings, behind a wall or coming down a slope. Gets big, arching 3 to 5...
COMMON NAME: ► Trailing Morning Glory SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Convolvulus GROWERS HINTS: ► This fast growing basket or ground cover can be covered with lovely blue flowers. It is particularly wonderful crawling out of window boxes or in rock gardens. This is one of the...
COMMON NAME: ► Cinneraria Senetti SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Cinneraria pericallis GROWERS HINTS: ► Cinneraria Senetti is the ultimate early spring burst of color. The intense color are like a large bouquet of beauty. Cinneraria's can go so many places. Put them in the sun by...
COMMON NAME: ► Angel's Trumpet SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Brugmansia GROWERS HINTS: ► A South American native it is similar to Datura which is also called Angel's trumpet.The one in the picture is one of the most often seen. Charles Gramaldi. It is described as a salmon color...
COMMON NAME: ► Royal Purple Brunfelsia or Shady Lady SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Brunfelsia pauciflora macrantha GROWER HINTS: ► Read this thoroughly, and follow faithfully for a happy Brunfelsia. If you are good to your Brunfelsia you should have heavy bloom in the spring,...