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COMMON NAME: ► Paper Whites SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Narcissus GROWER HINTS: ►The first bulb to bloom in the winter or early spring, the easiest bulb to grow in the house in a pot. Fragrant white flowers fill the air with sweetness. GROWTH HABITS: ►When they finish blooming...
Million Kisses Begonia
COMMON NAME: Begonia Sparkle, Bonfire, and Encanto SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tuberous begonia x begonia boliviensis GROWER HINTS: ►All of these Hybrids from the Begonia boliviensis species form huge tubers that send up thick succulent stems each spring that are covered with...
Million Bells and Super Bells
COMMON NAME: ► Petunia SuperBells and MillionBells SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Calibrachoa (hybrid petunia) GROWER HINTS: ►Calibrachoas are a hybrid type of Petunia from Japan. They are a very miniature type of new petunia. Fortunately the flowers hold up better than the...
COMMON NAME: ► Mandevilla SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Mandevilla GROWERS HINTS: ►Meet the Mandevillas. Two different growth habits. The original Mandevilla 'Crimson Parasol' grows as a basket. Crimson giant and Mini both grow as climbers. Crimson Parasol regular and mini vine...
COMMON NAME: ► Parrots Beak SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Lotus bertolotii GROWER HINTS: ►There are now many wonderful Lotus species for you to choose from. Cut back your Lotus in late Summer so they will be ready for early flowering. GROWTH HABITS: ►They like good drainage,...
COMMON NAME: ► Lofa or Great Cascade Wine Red Lofa SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Lophospermum GROWER HINTS: ►Great for Hanging Baskets. The velvet red trumpet shaped flowers of Lofa 'Wine Red' flow elegantly from hanging baskets. This marvelous vine blooms early, and continues...