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COMMON NAME: ► Egyptian Star Flower SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Pentas GROWER HINTS: ►This is a great plant for planting in a garden bed. It often blooms all year long. They are not terribly fussy. GROWTH HABITS: ►Each flower is replaced by two more. Anytime your Pentas gets...
COMMON NAME: ► Penstemon SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Penstemon GROWER HINTS: ►Tolerates and even thrives in poor soils and alkaline conditions but requires relatively good drainage. GROWTH HABITS: ►Penstemon come in many different colors and growth forms. All have the bell...
COMMON NAME: ► Pansies and Violas SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Viola GROWER HINTS: ► Pansies and violas are both in the viola family. Pansies have the bigger flowers and faces. Violas are smaller with more flowers. They both grow the same way. Pansies are actually perennials...
COMMON NAME: ► Golden Candles or Shrimp Plant SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Pachystachys lutea GROWER HINTS: ►Yellow is a perfect color for highlighting a shady area! GROWTH HABITS: ►Evergreen in mild climates it sort of limps its way through winter and then begins to grow again...
COMMON NAME: ► Cape Daisy SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Osteospermum GROWER HINTS: ►Symphony series come from Japanese breeders. They will bloom all year unless it’s very very hot. All are very easy to grow. GROWTH HABITS: ►You’ll need to cut them back at sometime or another so...
COMMON NAME: ► Nemesia SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Nemesia GROWER HINTS: ► Belongs in the big snapdragon family. These are improved varieties of Nemesias that will bloom almost all year. Very good winter bloomer in Southern California. Blue Bird , compact White Innocence, pink...