Seen all over social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest, terrariums are quickly gaining popularity as a pretty, easy way to bring plants into your home. And, best of all, they are simple and fun to make yourself!

The real trick to a successful terrarium is plant selection. You can use a wide variety of plants, including succulents, tropicals, and tillandsias (air plants), but make sure you’re choosing varieties that are compact and/or slow growing. Also make sure you’re not combining plants that have different growing requirements. Keep succulents together in one terrarium, and water-loving tropicals in another. Same goes for sun and shade loving plants.

Finding a container for your terrarium can be just as much fun as choosing the plants. Terrariums are traditionally planted in glass containers, but there are numerous other possibilities. For a glass container with a unique shape, try an apothecary jar or pedestal dessert bowl. In general you want the container to be deep enough so that the plants aren’t sticking out of the top. For a different approach, plant your terrarium in an antique birdcage or decorative lantern.


It’s usually best to water terrariums with a spray bottle so you don’t accidentally pour too much. Spray the moss or soil around the base of the plants until moist, usually once or twice a week is enough. If you’re using a glass container I’d suggest using bottled water since tap water can leave spots on the glass. Otherwise just fit your terrarium in with the rest of your decor and enjoy!

For details on making your own terrarium, use these instructions, or attend one of our terrarium classes.

Terrarium Instructions (Air Plants Only)

Terrarium Instructions