If you’ve always wanted to have a home garden, but didn’t have the room, the time, or the green thumb, then an Earthbox Garden Kit could be just what you need. Once you have found your footing with this container, you can then begin to grow a magnificent garden. Before you know it, you’ll be looking at shed foundations in NJ and deciding to build a big shed to assist you in the garden. After all, you’re going to need somewhere to store all of your new tools!

The container pictured here was planted in late April, with only two 4″ tomato plants! Only two months later, the plants are over three feet wide and have several hundred fruits. All this growth and the only maintenance has been watering once a week. The secret to success is the water reservoir, which allows the plants to always be perfectly hydrated. This also comes in handy if you travel a lot and can’t be home to water every day. Each kit comes with fertilizer, weed blocking covers, and optional wheels for easy moving. The trellis is extra but definitely helps when trying to tame these huge plants. Weidner’s is currently carrying the full-size organic kit, as well as the ‘Earthbox Junior’, a smaller kit similar to a window box. You can come to see this sample box in person, right at the entrance to our Edible Alley.

Earthbox Gardening Tips:

-When planting, make sure to place the tube for filling water BEFORE you add your soil. Otherwise you’ll be digging a hole in the side to fit it in.

-Don’t overplant! Everything grows very big, very quickly, so stick to the planting diagrams given in the instructions.

-If you’re planting tomatoes, make sure to mix the dolomite evenly into the soil. It adds extra calcium and will prevent blossom end rot.

-For tomatoes and strawberries, use the red cover. Studies have shown that the reflection of red light increases fruit production for these veggies.