- Frost free area
- Full sun
- Neutral or slightly acid soil is best but most will tolerate higher Ph
- Well drained soil (sandy soil or decomposed granite is best). Alternatively, planting on a mound or hillside will help or mixing sand with the soil used to backfill the hole you plant in.
- Feed very sparingly with acid based fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate only after the plant has been established in the ground (approx.4-6 weeks) Can use time release fertilizers low in phosphorus content. Some prefer not to feed Protea as they are very sensitive to fertilizer burning. If yellowing occurs, use iron.
- Water frequently when small (under six months) and gradually reduce the amount of water as the plant gains size. Keep undersurface of the soil slightly moist (do not allow to dry completely). In extremely hot weather, plants may need more frequent watering.
- Plants may be pruned to control size and shape after flowering. It is best to keep size under control from the beginning to prevent plants from becoming too large or ungainly.