6587_1280x800There is no doubt that gardeners are looking for more eco-friendly ways to deal with plant pests, and one of the best solutions can be found by introducing a ladybug population into your yard. Ladybugs are naturally carnivorous insects, eating many soft bodied insects such as aphids, mites, and white flies. Releasing these helpers around pest prone plants is an easy and chemical free way to keep your garden looking beautiful. Weidner’s is now selling containers of ladybugs for $7.95. Each container has several hundred ladybugs, enough to eat thousands of aphids a day. See the instructions below on how to care for and release your ladybugs and start seeing the difference in your garden.


Ladybug Release Instructions:

  • Keep the ladybug container in the fridge until you are ready to release them. The cold keeps them in a hibernation-like state so they won’t be trying to eat or drink.
  • Lightly water your garden around where you will be releasing the ladybugs. This gives them a source of water right when they are released. You can also place a small dish with some rocks and water for them to drink from.
  • Release the ladybugs around dusk. Ladybugs won’t fly at night, so this gives them some time to get settled in your garden. Place the container with the lid off at the base of the plant. As the ladybugs warm up they will begin to crawl out and search for food.