July is the month where we celebrate independence and freedom. July is the time for backyards bbq and pool parties and epic summer playlists. July is the embodiment of summer fun. Of course, the 4th of July is a massive occasion for most Americans and is marked by big celebrations in backyards, but, if you’re hosting such a party, can you say that your home is ready if you do not have a flag pole on which to proudly fly Old Glory for all your patriotic guests to see? No is the answer you’re looking for! Check what size flag pole for house is best for you before the jubilations come round. It also does wonders for your home’s curb appeal, especially in neighborhoods with a sense of pride for their country.
Now that we are moving into midsummer season – and hopefully less June gloom – there are still many things to be done in the garden. Here in the retail center we are enjoying the influx of pollinators that come with the warmer temperatures. While working with the plants we have to be mindful of not disturbing the bees that are working hard to spread the pollen. One thing customers always comment on is how great our plants look… Our staff works hard to keep all the plants looking their best with constant deadheading and pruning. And of course there’s the Weidner’s Good Stuff that we use to fertilize all of our plants (except those Australia/NZ natives which require a different mix). So as we move deeper into summer we want to take this opportunity to send some reminders on things to do in your garden in July.
• As the days get warmer, adjust your watering schedule. It’s best to water deeply ahead of a heat wave so the soil has time to drain and the roots have access to moisture and air.
• It’s not too late to plant veggies! Replace spent lettuce and spinach with chard or kale. Plant bush beans for a harvest that will last well into winter. Cucumbers and summer squash are great for summer harvest. It’s also a good time to seed beets and carrots for your fall crop.
• Mulch if you haven’t already. Mulching helps the soil retain moisture during hotter months.
• Control summer pests with natural predators such as lady bugs or talk to your local garden center associates about organic and safe options (especially on edibles). Choosing organic products helps keep our pollinators healthy.
• Most importantly, enjoy your summer garden!
Happy Independence Day to all of our wonderful customers and their families. We will be closed on the 4th but look forward to seeing you all throughout the rest of the month.