Its summertime and along comes hot weather. Here are some hot weather tips from the good folks at Weidners. First and foremost, you should look after yourself so make sure you are keeping cool. Enquiring about an air conditioning unit from one hour heating & air conditioning might be a wise idea.
Hot weather means that your plants need some extra watering.
Really hot weather usually only lasts a few days but it can cause all sorts of damage to your plants. Understandably, you may prioritize contacting T.E. Spall & Son HVAC services in Moosic in order to ensure your home remains at a comfortable temperature in spite of the hot weather. However, once this is complete, you should do all you can to make sure your plants are well looked after!
Water your container plants extra thoroughly. Make sure they have drainage. Put them in the shade if this is possible.
Water shrubs and trees slowly. Dig down 3 to 4 inches an hour after watering and see how far the water penetrated.
Watering in the morning is best. A mid-day light spray over potted plants cools everything down, Including yourself.
If your basket or container gets really dry, set it in a low pan of water for up to an hour. That allows the water to actually penetrate the soil. Push the soil down around the edges of the container if needed. Succulents are low water but they are not no water They appreciate a drink too.
Do a sprinkler check by placing pie tins around the yard before you turn on the sprinklers. Then check and see how much water is reaching far off places in your garden. If it is not working properly, you may need to think about a sprinkler system repair because your garden will need this!
Not sure if your potted plants are getting the right amount of water? We have Water meters for sale at Weidners and our friendly staff will show you how to use them.
Most important! Come in to Weidners Gardens and check out some of our plants that actually like the hot weather.