Million Bells and Super Bells

COMMON NAME: ► Petunia SuperBells and MillionBells SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Calibrachoa (hybrid petunia) GROWER HINTS: ►Calibrachoas are a hybrid type of Petunia from Japan. They are a very miniature type of new petunia. Fortunately the flowers hold up better than the...


COMMON NAME: ► Mandevilla SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Mandevilla GROWERS HINTS: ►Meet the Mandevillas. Two different growth habits. The original Mandevilla ‘Crimson Parasol’ grows as a basket. Crimson giant and Mini both grow as climbers. Crimson Parasol regular...


COMMON NAME:   ► Parrots Beak SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Lotus bertolotii GROWER HINTS: ►There are now many wonderful Lotus species for you to choose from. Cut back your Lotus in late Summer so they will be ready for early flowering. GROWTH HABITS: ►They like good drainage,...


COMMON NAME: ► Lofa or Great Cascade Wine Red Lofa SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Lophospermum GROWER HINTS: ►Great for Hanging Baskets. The velvet red trumpet shaped flowers of Lofa ‘Wine Red’ flow elegantly from hanging baskets. This marvelous vine blooms early, and...


COMMON NAME: ► Snow Princess Alyssum SCIENTIFIC NAME: ► Lobularia GROWER HINTS: ►This is a Sweet Alyssum hybridized to have much bigger flower clusters and a more robust growth. She may be a Snow Princess but she grows as big, and easy going as a peasant.  Also good...


COMMON NAME: ? Oriental and Asiatic Lilies SCIENTIFIC NAME: ? GROWER HINTS: ?Lilies are surprisingly easy to grow in your garden. They are stunning in between roses, in a blooming flower border or in deep pots. The Oriental lilies are fragrant, the Asiatic lilies are...