Hot Weather Hints

Its summertime and along comes hot weather. Here are some hot weather tips from the good folks at Weidners. First and foremost, you should look after yourself so make sure you are keeping cool. Enquiring about an air conditioning unit from one hour heating & air...

Annual or Perennial?

Do you know the difference between an Annual and a Perennial? What about an Annual that keeps on for another year or two. An Annual that acts like a Perennial? It’s OK to be confused, you are not alone. In cold places perennials usually bloom for a month or so in...

What’s Eating Your Plants?

What is eating your garden? It could be anything from greedy little caterpillars to gophers, or even some flocks of wild parrots. Holes in the leaves or skeletonized leaves. Insects that suck the life out of your plants is another topic. Look for that soon....