by Weidners | Aug 1, 2014 | Plant Care
Plumerias are easy to grow and generally very hardy plants provided you follow a few certain guidelines. Most importantly, plumerias LOVE water, but hate sitting in wet soil. So during the growing season water at least once a week, but not before the soil is...
by Weidners | Jul 31, 2014 | What's New
Although they can create a beautiful landscape, a lot of tropicals aren’t naturally suited to our arid Southern California climate. If you choose carefully however, you can find plants that give that tropical look without needing rainforest-like conditions....
by Weidners | Jul 28, 2014 | Gardening Tips
As the temperature increases, we here at Weidner’s see more customers having trouble with finding the right balance of water, sun, and overall care for their plants. Most gardeners can tell when a plant needs water, but the symptoms of over watering can be harder to...
by Weidners | Jul 5, 2014 | What's New
There is no better way to give your yard a tropical feel than a bright, big-flowered hibiscus. Our crop of Tradewinds series hibiscus are compact and perfect for containers, but have just as many large bright blooms as the shrub varieties. Make sure to put them in a...
by Weidners | Jun 26, 2014 | Design & Decorate
Gone are the days when succulent gardening meant spiny cacti and minimal desert landscaping. With the right plant selection and combinations, succulents can provide a lush looking attractive addition to your garden. When planting succulent containers, the key...