Did you know that May is named after the Roman Goddess Maia who is celebrated as the goddess of spring, growth and fertility? Because she embodied growth, her constellation was used by Roman farmers to determine the timing of their crops. In Greece, May Day is a celebration to honor Maia and welcome Spring with flowers and wreaths.
May is a month of growth and transition for us here at Weidners as well! This means we are filling our rafters with colorful hanging baskets to brighten our customers homes. May is also the month that our Begonia fields are prepped and ready for “Dig Your Own Begonia” season. This is one of Evelyn Weidner’s favorite events… “It all started with the Begonia fields. The parking lot was where the office and greenhouses currently stand. The rest was all fields. Once the fields began to look bare I would transplant new ones and customers would always comment how easy they were to dig. Sunset Magazine did a full color page on our fields and that brought in a lot more customers!”