50 Year Anniversary
50 years ago, Weidners Gardens started as The Begonia Gardens with a huge patch of “Dig Your Own Begonias.” We opened July 5, 1973. It was just me, a card table, some money in a cigar box and a flyer that said, “Visit the Begonia Gardens and you will be our very first customers!”
Hello from Evelyn Weidner!

Garden Center Matriarch
Garden Center Matriarch
In honor of our 50th anniversary celebration, we have created a “Memories” page on our website. Please share your favorite memories about Weidners with us. You can email us at: contact@weidners.com or drop off a memory note at our retail store. We would love to hear from you!
These memories will be posted below for all to share and enjoy. My daughter Mary and I will be visiting on some Saturday afternoons in the future. It will be a chance to chat with us. Watch for our weekend sales emails to inform you of these visits. So start collecting your memoires. We will have a grand time celebrating 50 years together! Stay tuned, we have some surprises coming for you as well.
I loved coming and and digging Pansies in Nov. My Mom’s name was Pansy and she had a twin sister named Violet and a brother Forest💐 I think my Grandma was an early “flower child”. Anyway like putting Pansies in my garden each year in memory of my Mom!
I’m remembering waking up in the middle of the night somewhere in Ohio and heard this lovely distinctive voice if Mrs. Wiedner talking about the wonderful Dig Your Own Begonia’s. It was an informative piece on the nursery when I was working so far from home.
On one of my very many visits to Weidner’s I was looking for a rhubarb plant. Mary said her friend had given her some that was growing in her backyard alley and that the more the friend neglected it, the happier the plant was.
Mary actually got some for me that I put in my yard! How’s that for personal service. Mary, you learned so much from your lovely mama!
I came a cross your garden by accident a number of years ago and have never been disappointed.
Time flies and many things change. I remember making a sales call shortly
after starting my career with Yoder Brothers and meeting you and John Rader.
Time flies and many things change. I remember making a sales call shortly
after starting my career with Yoder Brothers and meeting you and John Rader.
I was a grower before becoming a sales rep for Yoder Brothers and wasn’t sure of my new career choice. You made me feel very comfortable and seeing how exciting it was to be part of your business and dreams. Proven Winners revolutionized the nursery industry.
I loved coming to the nursery with my husband at least once a month from San Clemente not only for the beautiful baskets but for Evelyn’s always cheerful comments, her happy attitude and for always teasing my husband, I miss all of that.
Weidner’s first horse, Wendy. Wendy needed a home and we already had a lamb and a few others so Wendy came to live with us. Skin and bones. A little help from the Vet and soon Wendy looked great. So sweet and gentle. We would put on a Halter, saddle pad and your child could get a ride. One of us or you the parent would just lead Wendy around. The children loved it. Finally Wendy passed away and we got another abandoned horse. Either our horse or the Pruitt’s across the street horse had twins.
I remember the time we drove down to Weidner’s in our brand new car. This was probably 20 years ago. Someone had dropped white paint on the freeway and it ended up all over the bottom and sides of that car. Evelyn came to greet us, had us pull in back and hosed down the car for us. The car is long gone but we talk about it every time we visit or drive by on our way to San Diego.
I was standing in line at the drugstore behind Evelyn many years ago and asked her where she purchased her great nature-themed T-shirt. I had three small boys at home who would love them. She told me about Weidner’s gardens and about the animals to view with our boys. We started going there to find our plants and gleaned so much gardening information. I later realized she and I attended the same church and we ended up in the same Bible study group in more recent years.
My favorite stopping place between my parents home in San Diego and mine in Laguna Beach was Weidners Nursery… especially if Evelyn was there to tease me that I didn’t understand plants needed water to survive. Over the span of fifty years I’d bring home a bunch of hanging baskets or a carload of begonias , as much as possible crammed into a station wagon or a convertible . How I wish at age 92, I could one more time experience a trip to Weidners Nursery and get a hug from Evelyn, but the body says “ no”, but the mind says “ Thanks for the happy memories “. May Weidner’s Nursery continue to thrive and be that special place for many years to come. Congratulations, Evelyn.
Sending you love and hugs.
Sending you love and hugs.